Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mangoon Radio, Maiden Voyage Tonight

DJ Mangoon Presents; first broadcast! series premier!
September 5, 2007 : 7pm - 10pm

338 Berry St.
Brooklyn, New York

Dim the lights and dust off the candelabras; DJ Mangoon is kicking off his first broadcast September 5th at free103's new Berry St. headquarters and he wants to send healing vibes through your home entertainment system to massage your ears after a long day of work. So why not spend a quiet evening at home, sipping chamomille in your pj's and let DJ Mangoon send you into fifth dimensional hyperspace all in the comfort of your chez-lounge. Special guest Radio Ruido sits in.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tune Out, Acra, NY - June 7, 2007 (Photos)

Thick Wisps

Elliott Sharp and Shou Wang

Blues Control




Noise! 2007 at Ontological Theater (Photos)

Ontological Theater, St. Mark's Church

Toms Roe and Mulligan

North Guineau Hills With Todd Cavallo round out the 4x4

Giancarlo Bracchi

Maria Chavez Trio

Hell's Hills


Monday, August 27, 2007

Thick Wisps CD Out!

First album CD released by Thick Wisps in July 2007 (total time: 57.7 minutes)

Organ Acumulator
Ceremony of Robes
Wisped Code
Rabid Incantation
Space Time Continuum Blues

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tune (Out)))side 2007

July 7, 2007 : 3pm - 9pm
Tune (Out)))side 2007
ben owen, Giancarlo Bracchi, Tom Roe, Todd Merrell, Matt Bua
Wave Farm, 5622 Route 23, Acra, New York 12405, United States

Tune (Out)))side:This outdoors variation of free103point9's Tune(In))) event features artists playing directly into five FM transmitters at free103point9's Wave Farm. No sound is amplified. Attendees tune in with radio headphones as they explore 30 acres of meadows, forests, and ponds. For more information about free103point9's Tune (In)))'s click here. Watch a Quicktime movie of excerpts of performances at Tune (In))) The Kitchen here. Streamed live on free103point9 Online Radio.More performers to be announced soon. Confirmed performers so far below:



entrance stageMarina RosenfeldTodd MerrellChris ForsythMatt BuaEdmund Mooney + Jonny FarrowMarievel KnievelMara Barenbaum

CHANNEL TWO(under large tree in the forest)
ben owen is curating this channel.

Gill Arno
Richard Garet
Scott Allison
Andy Graydon
ben owen
Michael Farley
Andy Hayleck

CHANNEL THREE(stage near the ponds)

Giancarlo Bracchi is curating this channel.

Elliot Sharp
White (Beijing)
Blues Control
QXW (Ron Rosenmon + Kyle Lapidus)
Giancarlo Bracchi

()Radio Ruido
Tom Roe
Tianna Kennedy
Sarah Margaret Halpern

"free103point9: Selected Works"
A video compilation featuring selected recordings from ten years of free103point9 archives. Compiled and edited by Giancarlo Bracchi.This show is part of free103point9's Tenth Anniversary Celebration March-Oct., 2007.

Noise! a success!

Thanks to everyone for making Noise! at Ontological such a good time. Everyone was great, I'll put some photos up real soon.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

2007 Ontological Noise! Fest

May 10, 2007 : 10pm - May 12, 2007
Noise! 2007 Radio Ruido, Latitude/Longitude Ontological Hysteric Theater,
131 East 10th St., at 2nd Ave., Manhattan, New York, United States, 212.420.1916

Noise! is a sound performance festival started in 2005. This year free103point9 curates. Each year the "Incubator" program at Ontological Theater hosts a Noise! festival, a three-night multi-arts event designed to promote interest in new forms of sound art. The festival will feature short compositions and performances by established and emerging artists.Performers will be announced soon.

Thursday, May 10, 10 p.m.
Curated by Giancarlo Bracchi
Opens with Radio 4x4 with Radio Ruido, Tom Roe, and others.
Others performing May 10:

"Ornette Coleman playing on Soft Machine's Fourth in hell"

Maria Chavez
Born in Lima, Peru in 1980, Maria Chavez grew up in Austin and lived in Houston from the age of 10. She became a club DJ at the age of 17, and eventually met her mentor David Dove (Director of the Pauline Oliveros Foundation-Houston) who convinced her to improvise on the turntables and since then has been totally dedicated to improvised music. Maria has a degree in Audio Engineering and is working full time on her experimental music. She calls it "improvised/abstract turntabilism", and it consists of all electro-acoustic sounds from only vinyl and needle. She melts and mutates all forms of vinyl and has a collection of 8 broken styluses (and counting) that all get different sounds.

Hell's Hills
Death to False Improv

Giancarlo Bracchi
Scumtronic alchemy

Friday, May 11, 11 p.m.Curated by Kyle Lapidus

Gunung Sari:
Gunung Sari is an experimental electronic noise duo composed of Nick Lesley and Stanley Ruiz, based in Brooklyn, New York. The name means "Mountain's Essence" in Bahasa Indonesia - a tribute to their love of Gamelan music and the ceremonies and rituals that go along with it. Their music is a hybrid of improvised electronics bordering on noise. They use analog electronics, homebrew rudimentary synths, handcrafted wearable noisemakers, hacked radios, and percussions. At times they also do live audio-video processing using the computer.

The Peeesseye:
Fritz Welch, Jaime Fennelly, Chris Forsyth.

Saturday, May 12, 10 p.m.
Curated by Radio Ruido
Opens with Radio 4x4 with Bryan Eubanks, Micheal Garofalo, Patrick McCarthy and Jeremy Slater.Others performing May 12:

The Holy Experiment
George Steeltoe Ensemble

Audio and video of all performances will be streamed live on free103point9 Online Radio.